10 years ago when the iPhone was launched, the era of smartphones were just dawning. In 2005 most people received their news via radio, TV or Blackberries. Today most of us look first to our smart phones for information and if our phone is not to hand, we are at a loss and wonder what is going on in the world.
Those who analyse business trends love the Wayne Gretzky (Ice Hockey player) quote and Steve Jobs, at the end of the original iPhone launch couldn’t resist either: “Skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been”.
Indeed the holy grail of business analysis is predicting the path innovation will take and the speed at which it will move.
Sometimes it is a case of blink and technology overtakes you. (Just ask Nokia 🙂 )
So how to obtain a bleeding edge insight into today’s technology to predict future innovation trends?
Gartner has tools to frame information into visually concise evidence of current market conditions and future directions.
Gartner’s hype cycles graphically display the lifecycle of a technology and provides reference points as to where each company is located within that lifecycle.Use hype cycles to remove the hysteria of a technology’s popular value and instead discover its true commercial potential.
Gartner’s Magic Quadrants are visualization tools based on research, which positions companies within their market place and aligns them with their competitors.
Use Magic Quadrants to get quickly educated about a market’s technology providers, their competitive positioning and the strategies they are using to via for end-user business.
For more help contact HiQ
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