


Gearing up for Exams

We’re approaching the end of another academic year — which means that exam time is nigh.  Preparing early will help to reduce some of the inevitable pre-exam stress. Here are some tips to help you get organised. Double-check the date, time, and location of your exam/s. Also check…

Library and Information Week

Next week is Library and Information Week, an annual event organised by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). The various events and activities scheduled for this week, including National Simultaneous Storytime (details in a forthcoming post), celebrate the invaluable contribution libraries make to our lives–and this contribution is particularly evident…

Exams – Are you prepared?

Exams will soon be upon us, and if you’re wondering how best to prepare (other than starting early), consider the following tips. Research has shown that being in the right room at the right time on the right date significantly increases your chances of passing an exam. Remember…

Get back into study

You’ve just been through O-Week and you’re getting ready to start a new year of lectures, tutorials and research and it all feels a little bit exciting and overwhelming all at the same time. Don’t stress about it though. Get prepared by using some of QUT Library’s resources on academic listening and note-taking; check…

On your marks, get set, GO!

The Commonwealth Games are on at the Gold Coast from 4th April – 18th April. Even though we are up in Brisbane we still need to expect changes to our commute to and from QUT, at both campuses! You can find all the details about what changes to…

Keep your belongings safe in the library

This is a friendly reminder to keep your personal property secure while you are in the library. Don’t leave your bag, laptop, books or other personal belongings unattended. If you need to take a break for lunch or even to go to the bathroom please take your items…

Exam Preparation 101

Exams are just around the corner. To get you through this semester we have put together our top tips for surviving exams. Have a look at the Exam Preparation page. There is lots of useful information here including understanding your type be that multiple choice, short answer or essay…

Reading at University

Week 1 is over and university work is starting to kick in, this includes readings for each of your units. The best place to access your readings is through your Blackboard Unit site. Under the Learning Resources tab you should be able to see QUT Readings. This will…

Exam Preparation

The end of semester is here and we are well into examination period. We know that this time can be stressful and tricky, you may have multiple exams to study for or exams and assignments to complete at the same time, but with a few tips and tricks…