
gardens point


Art at QUT Library

QUT Art Museum has generously loaned the Library three striking artworks from the QUT Art Collection, each one by a Queensland or Northern NSW  practitioner. Japanese-Australian artist Hiromi Tango’s vibrant installation ‘NatureNurture’ is displayed opposite the stairwell on Level 5 of Gardens Point Library. On Level 2 of…

Open Access Week at QUT

Guest blog by Professor Ginny Barbour, Director of the Australasian Open Access Strategy Group (AOASG) & Professor in the Division of Research and Innovation, QUT As we head towards the end of October – we again turn our focus to a week dedicated to open access (OA). Now…

National Science Week and Robotronica

From 10th to 18th August, science and technology take to the streets for National Science Week. Established in 1997, this annual celebration of science and technology acknowledges the contributions of Australian scientists to the world, and encourages members of the general public to engage with science in all…

ResBaz Brisbane 2019

“The Research Bazaar is a worldwide skill and community-building festival promoting the essential digital skills researchers need to perform modern research…The aim of the event is to equip researchers from all career stages and disciplines with the digital skills and tools required to do their research better, faster, and smarter.”…

Exams – Are you prepared?

Exams will soon be upon us, and if you’re wondering how best to prepare (other than starting early), consider the following tips. Research has shown that being in the right room at the right time on the right date significantly increases your chances of passing an exam. Remember…

Get back into study

You’ve just been through O-Week and you’re getting ready to start a new year of lectures, tutorials and research and it all feels a little bit exciting and overwhelming all at the same time. Don’t stress about it though. Get prepared by using some of QUT Library’s resources on academic listening and note-taking; check…

It’s time to graduate!

It’s the season to graduate! And to celebrate QUT library is showing off the spectacular Registrar’s mace on Level 4, V Block, Gardens Point campus. The QUT mace was designed and built by Mr Alan Place, a former part time lecturer in fine arts. It has three sections,…

Mother’s Day

Don’t forget this Sunday 8th of May is Mother’s Day! QUT Library has some fantastic resources for you to help celebrate the special lady in your life. If you want to sit-back for a lazy Sunday, why not watch a movie using some of the streaming services we…