


Researching and Referencing Workshops

Looking to enhance your research skills? Want to learn how to cite and reference sources for your assignments?  The Library is currently running the following workshops to help you prepare for Semester Two. Researching Made Easy – Learn to use databases more efficiently to find relevant information and…

Library and Information Week

Next week is Library and Information Week, an annual event organised by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). The various events and activities scheduled for this week, including National Simultaneous Storytime (details in a forthcoming post), celebrate the invaluable contribution libraries make to our lives–and this contribution is particularly evident…

Study Hack – Online You

Have you even sat down and Googled yourself just to see what would come up? Have you ever thought about what your online presence is? Take a look at our social media skills page to read up on how to Create a better online you. Your future self…

Reading for the holidays

Did you know now that semester is over you can actually read for fun? QUT Library subscribes to some fantastic online resources which you can read on your mobile device when you take a break from uni. Whether you are jetting-off on an overseas adventure or relaxing by the pool, our…


November is many things. In addition to Movember, Melbourne cup, end of semester (woot!) and start-christmas-shopping month it is also National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).  Valuing enthusiasm, determination, and a deadline, NaNoWriMo is for anyone who has ever thought, even fleetingly, about writing a novel. NaNoWriMo was established…

Light! End of the tunnel!

The weather’s warming up, and all that sunshine is like a beacon of hope – it’s almost the end of semester! You’ve already handed in a few assignments and things are rolling along. To make sure you keep the momentum going, here are a few tips: Use the Assignment…