
Media – “Experts and advocates say Crisafulli’s ‘Adult Crime, Adult Time’ Unproductive – Associate Professor Angela Higginson

QUT Centre for Justice member, Associate Professor Angela Higginson was interviewed by 4ZZZ radio to comment on the LNP’s latest youth justice proposal to apply adult sentencing to young people convicted of serious crime.

Following the announcement by Opposition leader David Crisafulli that the LNP would seek to have children charged as adults for certain offences if his party wins government in October, 4ZZZ interviewed a team of experts and advocates in this area.

Listen to the full interview here.

4ZZZ News

Angela Higginson is an Associate Professor at QUT and she is an ARC Discovery Early Career Research Award (DECRA) fellow for 2018-2022, and her DECRA project examines the correlates and consequences of ethnically-motivated youth hate crime in Australia. Much of Angela’s work has focused on policing and community processes for crime control, with a particular interest in evaluation through systematic reviews and meta-analysis.

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