


Domestic violence and communication technology: Insights from Australian survivors

Associate Professor Molly Dragiewicz will present Domestic violence and communication technology: Insights from Australian survivors at the Queensland Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month Breakfast hosted by Cairns Regional Domestic Violence Service in Cairns, Australia. This is the first presentation of the findings from the ACCAN funded study Domestic violence and communication technology:…

Research scholarship round closing soon!

Interested in undertaking higher degree research for a PhD or Masters with the School of Justice at QUT? It’s not too late to get an application in before the scholarship round ends on 30 September 2018. We are currently looking to supervise students in our areas of expertise: Southern…

Seminar on family law: Shared care and maternal loss

Associate Professor Vivienne Elizabeth from the Faculty of Arts at the University of Auckland will speak on the harmful outcomes of the family court emphasis on time rather than relationships in considering “shared care” post-separation.  The seminar will be held August 9 from 12-2pm at Griffith’s Nathan campus and there will be a teleconference…