


CSIRO Data61 Live Conference

On Tuesday the 18th of September Crime, Justice and Social Democracy Research Centre member Dr Monique Mann spoke at the CSIRO Data61Live conference. Data61Live is Australia’s premier science and technology event. More than 2,000 people registered to attend the event from corporates, SMEs and start-ups, universities, government and…

Publication: The limits of (digital) constitutionalism: Exploring the privacy-security (im)balance in Australia

Crime and Justice Research Centre members Dr Monique Mann and Dr Angela Daly, along with Justice PhD Candidate Michael Wilson, and QUT Law Associate Professor Nic Suzor recently published ‘The limits of (digital) constitutionalism: Exploring the privacy-security (im)balance in Australia’ in the International Communication Gazette.  Abstract This article…

Is privacy still relevant in the modern age?

Is privacy still relevant in the modern age? That is the question being debated by Crime and Justice Research Centre researcher Dr Monique Mann and PhD Student Michael Wilson and Professor David Lacey. The OAIC’s Deputy Commissioner, Angelene Falk, will open the event, with the Queensland Privacy Commissioner,…

US warrants could be used to access Australian data

CJRC member Dr Monique Mann spoke to the ABC today about the upcoming US Supreme Court case US v Microsoft Ireland. This case has global significance as the US government’s position would effectively undermine the data protection and privacy laws of other countries by giving the US government…

Event: Attacks on Encryption – Privacy, Civil Society and the Surveillance State

Join the Australian Privacy Foundation, Digital Rights Watch Australia, Future Wise, and the QUT Crime and Justice Research Centre at ThoughtWorks Brisbane to discuss ‘Attacks on Encryption: Privacy, Civil Society, and the Surveillance State.’ The Australian Government’s intention to pursue new and increased powers to access encrypted communications via statutorily required ‘backdoors’…