John Scott alongside the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Yvette D’Ath and Minister for Child safety, Shannon Fentiman, at a Press conference on Friday On the 15 September School of Justice Professor, John Scott, joined the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Yvette D’Ath and Minister for Child safety,…
Indigenous young people and the NSW Children’s Court: Magistrates Perceptions of the Court’s Criminal Jurisdiction
What do Children’s Court magistrates perceive as the main challenges in responding to Indigenous young people who break the law? This question has recently been examined by Crime and Justice Research Centre (CJRC) researcher Dr Kelly Richards, with colleagues Associate Professor Lorana Bartels (University of Canberra) and Dr…
CJRC Researchers on ABC The World Today
Experts say family court keeping child abuse victims with perpetrators Featured: Dr Claire Ferguson, QUT lecturer Associate Professor Molly Dragiewicz, QUT Angela Lynch, Women’s legal service Hetty Johnston, Bravehearts Bill Potts, Qld Law Society Listen to the podcast here Criminologists in Australia have warned that the family court…
The incarceration of children in Australia
The Guardian has recently published an infographic highlighting the current status of children being incarcerated in Australia. It also details relevant and confronting research about the implications and effects of incarcerating young offenders.
In the News: Dr Kelly Richards Discussing Age of Criminal Responsibility in Queensland
Dr Kelly Richards from the School of Justice, Faculty of Law, has recently spoken to ABC Radio about the issues surrounding the current age of criminal responsibility in Queensland. To listen to…
Young people working for peace
Dr. Helen Berents, lecturer in the School of Justice, recently published Not just victims or threats: Young people win recognition as workers for peace in The Conversation with her colleague Lesley Pruitt from RMIT. The article discusses the UN Security Council’s adoption of Resolution 2250 on “youth, peace…
Dr Cassandra Cross elected to the Board of Directors for Police Citizens Youth Clubs (PCYCs) Queensland
At the 2015 annual general meeting for the Queensland Police Citizens Youth Welfare Association (QPCYWA), QUT Crime and Justice Research Centre’s Dr Cassandra Cross was elected to the Board of Directors. Her appointment to the Board of Directors comes following an evaluation that her and fellow QUT colleagues…
New Book — “Juvenile Justice: Youth and Crime in Australia (5th Ed)”
QUT Crime and Justice Research Centre criminologist Dr Kelly Richards has released a new book with Oxford University Press, with co-authors Professors Chris Cunneen (UNSW) and Rob White (UTas). The book, Juvenile Justice: Youth and Crime in Australia, Fifth edition explores young people…
Adjunct Professor Barry Goldson’s Latest Book: “Youth Crime and Justice”
Adjunct Professor Barry Goldson from the University of Liverpool (UK) has co-edited the second edition of “Youth Crime and Justice”, comprising of a range of cutting-edge contributions from leading national and international researchers. Released earlier this year, the book: Situates youth crime and youth justice within historical…
New Publication: “Juvenile Justice: Youth and Crime in Australia”
Senior lecturer Dr Kelly Richards from QUT’s School of Justice has recently co-authored a book title Juvenile Justice: Youth and Crime in Australia.