Join CJRC Associate Professor Molly Dragiewicz, CJRC Adjunct Professor Walter DeKeseredy and Professor Martin Schwartz for an international webinar Abusive Endings: Separation and Divorce Violence Against Women, a conversation with the authors
Recently Published: “Transparency and ‘uncomfortable knowledge’ in child protection”
CJRC Adjunct Professor Judith Bessant from the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies at RMIT has recently co-authored an article published in Volume 37, Issue 2 of the Policy Studies journal.
Recently published: Violence against Women in Pornography
Adjunct Professor Walter DeKeseredy recently published Violence against Women in Pornography with co-author Marilyn Corsianos
Recent Publication by CJRC Adjunct Professors Nancy Wonders and Mona Danner!
Adjunct Professors Nancy Wonders (Northern Arizona University) and Mona Danner (Old Dominion University) have recently co-authored an article published in the international journal Critical Criminology.
Adjunct Professor Barry Goldson’s Latest Book: “Youth Crime and Justice”
Adjunct Professor Barry Goldson from the University of Liverpool (UK) has co-edited the second edition of “Youth Crime and Justice”, comprising of a range of cutting-edge contributions from leading national and international researchers. Released earlier this year, the book: Situates youth crime and youth justice within historical…
Adjunct Professor Alex Sharpe Making A Difference Through Research on Transgender Law Reform
Adjunct Professor Alex Sharpe from Keele University (UK) is is making a significant difference through her research on transgender law reform and transgender legal issues. For over two decades, Professor Sharpe has been involved in the advocacy and activism for the transgender community and has used her expertise to provide advice to…
Recently Published — “Victims: Trauma, Testimony and Justice”
Adjunct Professor Sandra Walklate, from the University of Liverpool, has recently co-authored a book titled “Victims: Trauma, Testimony and Justice”.
Adjunct Professor Walter DeKeseredy & White Ribbon – Violence Against Women is a Man’s Issue Too!
Adjunct Professor Walter DeKeseredy from West Virginia University has recently contributed to a number of regional forums held around the country regarding the prevention of men’s violence against women.
Recently published: “Differentiating confidence in the police, trust in the police, and satisfaction with the police”
Adjunct Professor Liqun Cao’s recently published article in Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management offers a useful conceptual clarification of key terms commonly used to describe public attitudes towards police, namely – confidence in police, trust in the police, and satisfaction with the police.