
People who use domestic, family and sexual violence: ANROWS Research Program 2023-2027

QUT Centre for Justice Professor Michael Flood has been successful in the ANROWS 2023-2027 Research Grant Round:  People who use domestic, family and sexual violence.  This grant is reflected in the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032, Australia’s coordinated national policy approach to addressing DFSV.

The project titled, “Measuring domestic, family and sexual violence perpetration in Australia” is a two-year project.

“Little is known in Australia about the perpetrators of domestic, family and sexual violence (DFSV), their patterns of perpetration, the risk factors for the use of violence, or potential points of intervention.”

This project aims to measure the extent, character and drivers of the perpetration of intimate partner violence and non-partner sexual violence. The project aims to use New South Wales (NSW) as a model to begin building a comprehensive national profile of DFSV perpetration. It involves a representative survey and an analysis of existing data sets to determine the prevalence of DFSV perpetration.

The project team include:

Professor Michael Flood, QUT (Project Lead)

Dr Emma Fulu, The Equality Institute

Lula Dembele, Lived Experience and Co-Production, Good Shepherd Australia and New Zealand

Loksee Leung, The Equality Institute

Dr Jozica Kutin, Good Shepherd Australia and New Zealand

Dr Patricia Cullen, University of New South Wales

For more information about the project visit ANROWS


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