QUT Centre for Justice will this month commemorate Queensland Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month.
QUT Centre for Justice has many researchers working in the area of Domestic and Family Violence, particularly in the areas of:
- interpersonal violence and its prevention, focusing on engaging men in violence prevention, and on men, masculinities, and gender justice
- technology facilitated violence in both Australian and international settings
- Women, violence and homelessness
- Domestic violence in family court cases, including the perverse consequences of The Hague Convention
The QUT Centre for Justice hosts the ‘Stopping Gender Violence’ Advisory Board which includes QUT academics, representatives from industry and community practitioners from across Australia. The Board meet quarterly to share information and collaborate on policy, practice and research with the ultimate goal of reducing gender and family violence nationally. The Board is chaired by Professor Michael Flood.
During May QUT Centre for Justice will be hosting two events, which will include industry organisations working in this field:
9 May 2024
10.00am, Kelvin Grove Campus and via Zoom
Event: ANROWS Evidence Portal
The ANROWS Evidence Portal, launched in September 2023, is a living online resource that allows users to quickly and easily find high-quality, curated information about what might work to address or end violence against women. The Portal is designed to promote a collective understanding of where the evidence exists and where there are gaps, what interventions might work, to inform evidence-based policymaking, and to support quality decision-making and implementation.
Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Limited (ANROWS) is a not-for-profit independent national research organisation. ANROWS was established as an initiative of Australia’s National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010–2022 and is continuing under the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032. ANROWS was established by the Commonwealth and all state and territory governments of Australia to produce, disseminate, and assist in applying evidence for policy and practice addressing violence against women and their children. ANROWS is the only such research organisation in Australia.
Lorelei Hine, ANROW’s Research Manager, will provide an overview of the portal, an illustration of how it works and some reflections on how universities and violence prevention advocates can make use of this resource.
This session will be facilitated by Professor Michael Flood.
28 May 2023
10.00am, Kelvin Grove Campus and via Zoom
Event: Keynote and Panel Discussion – Technology Facilitated Violence

Belinda Cox works in the DV Service Technology Abuse and Detection Assessment Hub of Micah Projects. Belinda will provide a keynote address:
Tech-facilitated abuse and stalking have become pervasive issues in the digital age, exploiting emerging innovation and the interconnectedness of our virtual lives. Perpetrators leverage various technologies, from social media platforms to GPS tracking apps, to invade the privacy of their targets. The ease of communication afforded by technology can be weaponized, enabling harassment through incessant messaging, doxing, and the dissemination of sensitive information. The blurred boundaries between the virtual and physical realms exacerbate the impact, leaving victims feeling constantly under surveillance.
Technology facilitated abuse is a fast-emerging issue and is used by perpetrators of domestic violence with ever growing frequency. As practitioners it is important that we stay abreast of this challenge and are informed of the strategies to be alert to, and safeguards that can be taken.
Following the keynote QUT Centre for Justice will launch a Briefing Paper Series, published in January 2024, around the topic of Technology Facilitated Violence. This is a unique series authored entirely by HDR students. A number of these students have now completed their theses and are working in academia. They will return to QUT to be part of a panel discussion on this very important topic, facilitated by Dr Laura Vitis who also researches in this area.
- Gisella Lopes Pinto Ferreira, PhD student, QUT Centre for Justice Understanding adolescent digital dating abuse victimisation in Australia and Brazil
- Dr Rahul Sinha-Roy, Lecturer, Crime Justice and Legal Studies, Latrobe University (former PhD student, QUT Centre for Justice) Gay dating app–related blackmail: Anatomy, contexts and risk factors
- Dr Sahana Sarkar, Lecturer in Criminology, Flinders University (former PhD student, QUT Centre for Justice) Experiences of backlash against women in the form of technology-facilitated sexual violence in India
During May QUT Centre for Justice is also proud to release the following clip profiling the work of Professor Michael Flood. Dr Flood research agenda focuses on gender, sexuality, and interpersonal violence. Dr Flood’s research at present is focused in particular on interpersonal violence and its prevention, particularly with reference to men and masculinities. Dr Flood has published widely on topics including violence against women and violence prevention, men and masculinities, profeminist men’s advocacy, male heterosexuality, fathering, and pornography.
Dr Flood often appears in the media providing commentary on domestic, gender and family violence issues.
If you are interested to attend any of the Events listed above, or would like to partner with QUT Centre for Justice, please contact qutc4j@qut.edu.au
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