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CJRC Researcher in the News: “Cyber fraud more than just a policing issue”

CJRC researcher and senior lecturer Dr Cassandra Cross from the School of Justice, Faculty of Law, has recently been featured in QUT Media discussing her new co-authored book “Cyber Frauds, Scams and their Victims”

Cyber Frauds, Scams and their Victims (Paperback) book coverThis new book on the international explosion of cyber fraud compares the policing practices of Australia with other countries and concludes that despite leading the way in the use of financial intelligence, we can do better. It argues for a greater need to understand and respond to cyber fraud and scams in a more effective and victim-centred manner.

Dr Cross explained to QUT Media “Crimes traditionally committed in an offline environment are being transitioned to an online environment. Our book uses case studies to explore the types, perpetrators and victims of cyber frauds”.

To read the full media article and find out more about this new book, click here.

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