Conferences & Seminars

Sponsorship Opportunities for #CrimJustAsia17 Conference – Register Now!

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The CJRC and the Asian Criminological Society will be co-hosting the Crime and Justice in Asia and the Global South International Conference in Cairns from 10-13 July. The conference brings together the 9th Annual Conference for the Asian Criminological Society, and the 4th biennial International Conference for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy. The purpose of co-hosting the two conferences is to promote a global criminology more befitting of the contemporary world in which we live.

Registration is now open for sponsorship and exhibition opportunities at the conference. These include:

  • Satchel Inserts;
  • Exhibition table display;
  • Handbook advertisements; or
  • Tailored packages to suit individual companies/organisations.

For more information about these opportunities and to register, click here.

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