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Southern Criminology Scholarship Winners Announced


The Crime and Justice Research Centre has recently awarded eleven successful applicants from around the world with Early-Career Researcher and Senior Fellow scholarships in Southern Criminology. 

The main purpose of the scholarships are to support the travel and attendance to the Crime and Justice in Asia and the Global South: International Conference in July 2017, and to support collaborative research with CJRC scholars on topics related to developing the projects of Southern Criminology.

The eleven successful applicants and their winning abstract titles are:

Early-Career Researcher Scholarships

  • Dr. Xiayou Yuan, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (China): “The potential for restorative justice amidst penal populism”
  • Dr. Julia Viebach, University of Oxford (UK): “On narrative, trauma and testimony at the international criminal tribunal for Rwanda and the Rwandan Gacaca Courts”
  • Dr. Ross McGarry, University of Liverpool (UK): “For a Southern Criminology of War”
  • Dr. Anqi Shen, Teeside University (UK): “Alcohol counterfeiting in the People’ Republic of China”
  • Associate Professor Md. Kamal Uddin, Chittagong University(Bangladesh, India): “Militarization of Policing, Controlling Crime and Terrorism, and Human Rights in Bangladesh”

Senior Fellow Scholarship Recipients

  • Associate Professor Avi Brisman, Eastern Kentucky University (USA) and Professor Nigel South, University of Essex (UK): “Climate injustice(s), water issues and southern criminology”
  • Dr. Diego Zysman, University of Buenos Aires (Argentina, South America): “Building Social Democracy through Transitional Justice: Lessons from Argentina”
  • Professor Sandra Walklate, University of Liverpool (UK): “Criminology, Gender and Risk: The dilemmas of Northern theorising for Southern responses to violence against women”
  • Professor Rob White, University of Tasmania (Australia): “Environmental Horizon Scanning and Transnational Environmental Crime in the Asia-Pacific”
  • Professor Máximo Sozzo, Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Argentina, South America): “Beyond the neoliberal penality thesis? Visions about the punitive turn on the Global South”

Congratulations to all of the scholarship recipients! We look forward to seeing you at the conference in July 2017.

For more information about the conference and to register, click here.

To stay updated with CJRC news, events and future scholarship opportunities, subscribe to our blog and follow us on Twitter (@CrimeJusticeQUT)


  1. Joe Donnermeyer

    When is the deadline for the second round of conference scholarships?