“Using financial intelligence to reduce victimisation: The emergence of a new approach to policing online fraud in Australia”
Dr Cassandra Cross, QUT School of Justice
Date: Friday 31st July 2015
Time: 3.00pm
Venue: Room P-638 QUT Gardens Point Campus, 2 George Street, Brisbane
Online fraud poses a significant cost to Australian society. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) recorded reported losses totalling $82 million in 2014. Given the known under reporting of this crime, this figure is likely to represent only a small percentage of actual losses. It also does not account for the substantial non-financial losses experienced by victims in the aftermath of their crime.
Given the challenges associated with investigating online fraud from an enforcement perspective, Australia has witnessed an emergence of new model that uses financial intelligence to notify potential victims of their likely involvement in fraud. This attempts to reduce the harm and loss experienced by potential victims who may not even realise that they are being defrauded. It represents a significant shift in policing from a focus on the alleged offender to a focus on the potential victim. This has benefits to both police and victims alike. This presentation details the emergence of this innovative approach to online fraud, and provides examples from across Australia to illustrate how police and other agencies are actively making a difference in seeking to combat online fraud.
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