Associate Professor Vivienne Elizabeth from the Faculty of Arts at the University of Auckland will speak on the harmful outcomes of the family court emphasis on time rather than relationships in considering “shared care” post-separation. The seminar will be held August 9 from 12-2pm at Griffith’s Nathan campus and there will be a teleconference…
Recently Published – “Hidden Identities: perceptions of sexual-identity in Beijing”
CJRC researcher and lecturer Dr Toby Miles-Johnson from the School of Justice, Faculty of Law, has recently co-authored an articled published in the British Journal of Sociology titled ‘Hidden Identities: perceptions of sexual-identity in Beijing’.
Recently Published – Abusive Endings: Separation and Divorce Violence against Women
CJRC researcher and lecturer Associate Professor Molly Dragiewicz, Adjunct Professor Walter DeKeseredy (West Virginia University) and Professor Martin Schwartz (Ohio University) have co-authored a recently published book titled “Abusive Endings: Separation and Divorce Violence against Women”.
Free two day Domestic Violence conference for QUT students
CJRC member Associate Professor Molly Dragiewicz will speak at a free two day Domestic Violence conference for QUT students Dr Ron Frey from the School of Psychology and Counselling has organised a free two day domestic violence conference for QUT students. May 27th and 28th May 10 am…
CJRC Researchers on ABC The World Today
Experts say family court keeping child abuse victims with perpetrators Featured: Dr Claire Ferguson, QUT lecturer Associate Professor Molly Dragiewicz, QUT Angela Lynch, Women’s legal service Hetty Johnston, Bravehearts Bill Potts, Qld Law Society Listen to the podcast here Criminologists in Australia have warned that the family court…
Last chance for abstracts for Not Now, Not Ever Research Symposium
CJRC Associate Professor Molly Dragiewicz is a member of the organising group for the Queensland Not Now, Not Ever Research Symposium to be held at The Queensland Centre for Domestic and Family Violence Research (QCDFVR) at Central Queensland University on Thursday 23rd & Friday 24th February 2017. The…
QUT Awarded COALAR Research Grant
QUT has recently been successful in securing a research grant through the Federal Government’s Council on Australia Latin America Relations (COALAR) and involves CJRC Adjunct Professor Victor Minichiello and CJRC researcher Professor John Scott from the School of Justice, Faculty of Law. The project will be conducted in partnership with three…
CJRC Associate Professor Molly Dragiewicz on Big Ideas domestic violence forum
CJRC Associate Professor Molly Dragiewicz, coordinator of QUT’s Graduate Certificate in Domestic Violence will speak at Domestic Violence – Unheard Voices presented by Caxton Legal Centre and QUT Law Faculty Part of our Justice in Focus Series. Thursday, 29 September 2016 from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM (AEST)…
Master of Justice student wins scholarship
Congratulations to Master of Justice (Research) student Navin Kumar on winning a Faculty Write Up Scholarship from QUT!
Recently published: Violence against Women in Pornography
Adjunct Professor Walter DeKeseredy recently published Violence against Women in Pornography with co-author Marilyn Corsianos