Accommodation England Student exchange Study Tips for surviving uni

Exchange LEEDing to FUN

Isabella – University of Leeds

Semester 2, 2023

Bachelor of Business/Fine Arts

Hi, my name is Isabella Hartwig, Izzy for short and I am going to tell you the story of how my life completely changed, all thanks to student exchange.

Okay, firstly introductions I am a now 21-year-old student at QUT who has been studying since 2021. I practice a double degree in Business Management and Film and New Media, and dream of traveling, working in the film industry and one day opening my own production company to assist in the physical, financial, and emotional needs of any independent filmmakers, especially students.

What drew me to the study abroad program was the sense of feeling stuck in life. I didn’t feel like I was achieving and compared my success, study, and overall life to those around me. After some debating and long discussions with friends and family, I took the risk and I thank every lucky star every day that I did.

It was my first time even flying overseas let alone living solo, it was scary, but it was worth it. I got accepted into a couple of United Kingdom universities including Hull, London, and Manchester, and finally settled in Leeds. I was told Leeds had an amazing film program (which it does) and is the perfect blend of town and city surrounded by students (which it is).

Choosing which degree due to my double:

I had to pick a single degree and went with film, to create, and network, and if whoever is reading this has a double degree with one in the arts I highly recommend continuing study with that one. You get to meet so many creatives, including industry professionals and students like yourself. I was able to attend lectures by Yorkshire Film employees including the Location Scot of Paddington, the Casting agent for Bridgeton, and the Assistant Director of Peaky Blinders. Not only that I was able to speak to writers of British comedy shows, and the CEO of IMDB, which was unreal how down to earth they all are.  It helped me see a new perspective on film and expand my connections, even meeting friends in the lectures.

Life at Leeds:

I attended my study abroad program with Leeds University, I also stayed in their student accommodation at Clarence Dock. Leeds is very much a student city, broken into I would say 4 sections.

At the top you had Headingly, which is the house’s second, third, and fourth years live, the best part is the RPP bar which pops off on a Tuesday.

Then you have Hyde Park which is a big social park amazing for a catch-up, a throw of the footy with a skate park (if that’s your thing), and many surrounding pubs and cafes. Including my two favourites Coffee on the Cresent (great pastries), and the library which is a dope pub with lots of tables and a great drink menu.

Then you have the city Leeds University is at the top, working your way down, lots of clubs, pubs, restaurants and shops. I loved Primark while I was there for costumes, outfits, and basics like hair ties and socks, I also loved ASDA for all my kitchen, bathroom, and home décor.

Then you have the docks which is where I stayed, it was far out yes but It was beautiful, it was nice to be by the river and away from the bustling crazy city from time to time, you can catch boat taxis, study at cafes like NorthStar, or even go running along the river which takes you to the countryside.


I had the best roommates, but I know I was lucky because not every story is the same but I would say embrace it.  I had all international students, one from Norway, France, Russia, and another Aussie. Something to learn is you will meet a lot of Aussies but not from your home city, it’s quite bizarre. We did a lot together, including escape rooms, movies at the cinema, dinners together, and card nights in the kitchen we even got to the point of inviting people and having our kitchen be this endless revolving door for new friends, strangers, and neighbors.

Making Friends:

I joined societies and went to social events my accommodation and my university held. Go to the Freshers Fair, it’s a massive show and share in the university with free goodies, and every society you can think of, each day is different, and it goes on for a week-like week like week.

I joined Hiking to get out of the city and experience more of the UK, I made the best of friends in this group, everyone was down-to-earth and adventurous it was great.

I joined the Leeds Student TV Union or LSTV and made a video for their YouTube page entitled “Aussie Takeover” (check it out on YouTube for a giggle).  I got to work with cameras, and sound equipment, learn editing skills, and socialize in their main office with other film-loving students.

I joined the Taylor Swift Society which was mainly for fun but met so many like-minded, funny, cute people. We did karaoke nights, trivia games, and even saw the Era’s movie all together which was fun having everyone one in the cinema singing and dancing.

I join the yoga society, mainly for me, to keep a sense of movement, calm, and self-care in this crazy journey. I recommend finding something purely for you, it made the homesick days a lot easier.

I joined surfing, yes you can surf in the UK. Their socials were very fun and it was a hub for chilled back mates majority of them Aussie who just loved a good party and a good swell.

There are so many more as well including every sport you could think of, book club, baking club, photography club, dog lovers club, coffee lovers club, it’s a great way to connect and find something in common.


As well as studying I also got to travel with friends I made because everything was so close. I made a friend who lived in Copenhagen and was able to see the crowning of the new royals from his apartment balcony. I got to go to France with my best friend who was born in Paris, I went to Edinburgh, London, Germany, Austria, Italy, Doha, Ireland, and many cities in the UK.

Advice on preparing to depart Australia:

Pack light you will be buying more than you think, for example, Aussie winter clothes are not helpful in the UK, so just purchase over there.

Bring family photos, having family and friends on your wall in your accommodation will make you feel less alone.

Follow social media accounts: I promise you no matter what university you go to they will have a social media account on Facebook, Instagram, and Ticktok. Leeds has multiple platforms including, Leeds. Life on Instagram, Leedsuniunion which is for the social events of Leeds University, plus each society has its form for social media, so follow any to see who you will meet, and what you will do.

My Advice:

Get involved. I am going to say it again just so it sinks in. Get involved!!! Please sign up for societies, go out and meet people, talk to your teachers, classmates, and roommates, travel get on the train on the bus on a plane make the very most of every moment. I can be overwhelming, and that sense of “Am I doing the right thing?” never truly leaves but I promise you if you participate in class, in socials, and in your accommodation, everything will turn out fine, and you will have stories of a lifetime.

Thank you for reading about my exchange life but this is only the beginning, feel free to follow me on YouTube where I post vlogs, advice, and daily life for more:

Find out how you can apply for exchange via the QUT Student Exchange website


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