Mercedes – Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany Semester 2, 2022 Bachelor of Business and Law (Honours) Hi, I’m Mercedes! In this blog post, I’m going to take you through my exchange journey as well as some general tips for living in Berlin and advice for your…
My Dream Came True in Karlsruhe, Germany
Arya – Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences – Germany Semester 2, 2022 – Semester 1, 2023 Bachelor of Business – International Let me get something on the record right away – I knew I was going to go on an exchange year the second I found out…
My Life-changing Experience at Philipps-Universität
Campbell – Philipps-Universität – Germany Semester 2, 2022 Bachelor of Communication / Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Hello! My name is Campbell and I was fortunate enough to spend an unforgettable semester abroad in Germany thanks to QUT Exchange. I study Law and Communication and am about to enter…
Reconnecting with Friends and Family all over the World
Sylvia L., Bachelor of Business/Creative Industries Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany (Semester 2, 2016) Student exchange is one of the things you have to experience in your life. Even if you don’t know the language, it is worth it just to immerse yourself in another country’s culture, meet new people…
Finding friends and falling in love on exchange
Declan, S. Bachelor of Business University of Mannheim, Germany. (Semester 1, 2018) The thought of going on student exchange never crossed my mind. But one day I was just procrastinating, scrolling through the QUT website, and I came across a link that said: ‘Applications for student exchange in…
Living like a Local in Kassel
Xaythavone Phommachanh, Bachelor of Engineering Short-term program: Hessen University “Hessen International Summer University – Kassel” Germany (June/July 2018) Doing exchange abroad is one of my favourite opportunities that I could do while being in university. On July 2018, I took a journey to Germany to participate in an…
Life in Kassel
Tantika Na Nakhon, Master of Engineering Management Short-term program: Hessen University “Hessen International Summer University – Kassel” Germany (June/July 2018) My name is Tantika Na Nakhon and I’ve just completed an international summer program at the Universität Kassel (University of Kassel) in Kassel, Germany. It was four-week program…
University of Kassel: Short Term Exchange – Long Term Memories
Karl Somoray, Bachelor of Engineering/Mathmatics Short-term program: Hessen University “Hessen International Summer University – Kassel” Germany (June/July 2018) During the Summer of 2018, myself and along with around 15 other QUT students were very fortunate enough to receive a mobility scholarship from the Hessen International Summer Universities. From…
My life in Kassel and Germany
Jeng-Han Lu, Master of Information Technology Short-term program: Hessen University “Hessen International Summer University – Kassel” Germany (June/July 2018) In the semester break between SEM-1 and SEM-2 in 2018, I was fully immersed in German culture, thanks for the International Summer University (Kassel). Although the time was short,…
A Unique Experience in a New City
Dominic Dall’Osto, Bachelor of Engineering Short-term program: Hessen University ‘Hessen International Summer University – Kassel’ Germany (June/July 2018) I’ve just returned from a 4 week short-term program in Kassel, Germany – the International Summer University (ISU). I was part of a group of 45 students from all over…