
Coming back to AUS

My time in Japan – after 5 months – has ultimately come to an end. It was an unforgettable time that (like a cliche) went all too quickly. But I must say, it’s good to be back in Australia, the familiarity and nostalgia of home are comforting. Not to say that there weren’t any challenges upon my return. Maybe the strangest negative aspect about returning home was the uncomfortability about suddenly being surrounded by Australians as opposed to Japanese people! I was surprised that I felt so uneasy being surrounded by my own countrymen and women. However, this feeling soon passed once I met up with some familiar and friendly faces.

Now, I suppose I should recap my time in Japan; but how could I possibly condense 5 months into a mere few hundred words? I think that I cannot and any attempt I would make would be abysmal. Nonetheless, I can make some confirmations for those who are thinking of coming to Japan. Japanese people are lovely and polite, the scenery and culture are mesmerising and in general it is a fantastic place to experience.

I think the most important part about exchange is not the place you visit, but (cliche incoming) the people you meet whilst on it are. People from around the World with different views and experiences that can make you a better person and make your time truly unforgettable. I’ve met people from Germany, Poland, China and more whom I can say are my firm friends. These people are what made my time in Japan so unforgettable and I couldn’t ask for a better group of friends.

So, if you are anxious about going on exchange or can’t quite make up your mind about whether it’s a good idea or not, I would suggest that you think about the possibilities of what could become of such an adventure. The people you could meet, the places you could see, the food you could eat, the things you could learn, the experiences you could have. I’m not promising that it will all be amazing, but there is so many fantastic possibilities that could become blissful realities if you take a chance. So, take a step in the dark and see what becomes of it for yourself.

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