


QUT’s Graduate Certificate on Domestic Violence featured on ABC Focus

ABC Focus will run an episode on domestic violence education in Australia on 27 March 2018 at 12:00pm QLD time. The episode features JS12 Queensland University of Technology’s Graduate Certificate in Domestic Violence and JSB286 Queensland University of Technology’s interdisciplinary undergraduate elective Domestic Violence. Listen to the episode here  Links to…

QUT’s Graduate Certificate in Domestic Violence in the news

The Sydney Morning Herald ran a story about graduate education about domestic violence in Australia. A new weapon in the fight against family violence by Jane Gilmore was published 20 March 2018. The article features quotes from QUT’s Graduate Certificate in Domestic Violence alumni. For more information about the units in…

ANROWS grant success

CJRC member Associate Professor Molly Dragiewicz is a chief investigator on the successful Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Limited (ANROWS)  grant Constructions of complex trauma and implications for women’s wellbeing and safety from violence under the ANROWS Research Priorities Projects scheme. This interdisciplinary study includes scholars from gender studies, health,…