Exchange and global opportunities

Happy feet – advice from feet for travelling humans

Heading on a study tour and your human isn’t sure what shoes to pack? Don’t let your human make the same mistake my human did!

Hi, my name is Sally Sore Feet – and my human hands-down does not like me. We’re touring Hong Kong mostly by foot and my human has chosen inappropriate footwear. I’ve made my protests clear with unpredictable cramps, unbearable odours and seven painful blisters but it’s not working and I want a divorce!

This all could have been avoided if my human had just packed the right shoes! My-oh-my do I have some strong recommendations that other feet should share with their human, particularly if your human is a student travelling overseas.

Tip 1. Know the Climate

Make sure your human knows what weather you’ll be walking in to. It’s hot in Hong Kong and the weather can feel like public foot enemy No. 1. One moment it’s a scorching 35 degrees and about 90 per cent humidity, bright sunshine then bam! out of nowhere the heavens open up and you’re wading through the streets. Water resistant footwear is a must! Don’t waste your time buying cheap Volleys – trust me. Not only will your feet appreciate the quick-dry qualities of water-resistant footwear, but your human’s future travel roomie’s nasal cavities will too… Some shoe materials can stink.- especially once wet!
Happy Feet

Tip 2. Think Sensible

Ask your human to walk a mile in your shoes. Just because the shoes ‘look’ good doesn’t mean they feel good! Make sure your human has a pair of shoes suitable for different activities on the trip itinerary. And that means packing sensible shoes that not only look good but feel good, be it sandals for dinners or runners for hikes. Oh, and I highly recommend you ensure your human packs your bloody thongs mate! No matter what the weather or terrain thongs will keep feet happy.


Tip 3. Make sure your human appreciates you

There is nothing healthy about a one-sided relationship between you and your human. At the end of the day, you’re the one who has to deal with the soreness. Tell your human to pack moisturiser and give you a well earned nightly rub or take advantage of a foot massage while exploring Hong Kong – make sure your human appreciates you! If you’re happy then your human will be happy! It’s a win-win situation. Happy feet = Happy human.

Make sure your human doesn’t t make the same mistake my human made… trust me, it makes for a much better relationship and no divorce! If my human would have followed the above tips I would be the happiest feet in the world… instead, I will continue on for the rest of this trip, tired, beaten and resentful! Remember, we feet have feelings too!

Yours Sincerely,

Sally Sore Feet

(Formerly known as Sally Happy Feet)

Bachelor of Business (Advertising) / Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interactive & Visual Design)

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