A return to study has become a reality for stockbrokers and financial advisors across Australia in response to the requirements set by the Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority (FASEA).
‘Debt’ or alive, you’re coming with me: What ‘RoboCop’ and Robo-Debt can teach us about the move towards AI.
Digital disruption, competition and uncertainty are powerful motivators, and they create the context for incredible innovation… when we know what to do about it! Welcome to the possibilities of enabling organisational transformation through innovation.
Recently I caught up with two of our QUT MBA alums, and a conversation started around how to drive transformation in organisations of different sizes, ages and industries.
Even thinking about how to prepare for the impact of transformative technologies like AI is a daunting task for most of us, which is why we decided to…
With an alarming trend that sees a disconnect between the C-suite and middle managers with 59% of CEOs pushing digitally decision-making down the organisation* there is a growing…