A virtual, facilitated executive forum involving corporate learning executives from global employers and subject matter experts. The panel will share the wisdom from their experiences in driving value creation from corporate learning and how to measure business impact in all its forms.
New Model to Transform Corporate Learning
QUTeX rolls out new learning model to transform corporate learning, people capability and talent development professionals.
AIIA Skills Hub Benefit for QUT Alumni and QUTeX Community
If you are a digital or IT worker, QUTeX is able to extend the benefits of participating in the AIIA Skills Hub to our QUT alumni and QUTeX community.
Evolution of Education During a Global Pandemic
Online, online, online… That’s been the mantra for all universities since on the onset of COVID-19.
$400k Investment to Develop Tech Skills in Queensland
Australia’s peak body for the tech industry, the Australian Information Industry Association ( AIIA ) has been awarded a $250,000 grant from the Queensland Government to partner with the Queensland University of Technology ( QUT ) to deliver critical skills around innovation in IT and cybersecurity.
Road to Recovery Virtual Summit wrap up
In this short video, Dr Peter Beven wraps up the key takeaways from the event. Our thanks goes to all the panelists, facilitators and participants who helped to make this event so insightful and inspirational.
Can optimism make a difference for your business recovery?
During times of crisis, there is no business-as-usual with survival depending on making radical choices with trade-offs on less worst scenarios.
The University Skilling Challenge
It is increasingly evident that employers have been moving toward adopting the ‘competency-based’ workforce whereby job roles are defined by sets of knowledge, skills and behaviors (demonstrated through experience). Managing workforce competencies has become an underpinning capability for addressing the challenge of the ‘workforce of the future’ by…
2018 GBC: Where are they now? LISC (formally Gauntlet)
Gauntlet’s (now LISC) solution for the 2018 Smart Cities GBC was to handle evacuation problems in emergency situations in event venues such as stadiums.
2018 GBC: Where are they now? R-Evolution
R-Evolution’s solution for the 2018 Smart Cities Global Business Challenge (GBC) was a digital platform called ‘Living technology together (LTT)’. The platform would allow cities and communities to define smart city programs such as improving health, reducing waste or improving energy efficiency.