


The Bain/O’Gorman Collection

Guest blog by Jill Rogers, Digital Collections Librarian, Library Resources Services, QUT QUT Library is excited to announce our sixteenth and largest (upcoming) digital collection, the Bain/O’Gorman Collection, to add to  QUT Digital Collections, our unique collection of images and other historically and culturally significant materials relating to…

Exams – Be Prepared!

As we approach exam time, keep in mind that early preparation is the best way to reduce pre-exam stress! Here are some tips to help you get organised. Double-check the date, time, and location of your exam/s. Also check which materials you are permitted to bring in. If…

Cite right with cite|write

Are you working on an assignment and wondering: How do I cite this source?  Or maybe: Why do I cite this source? Or maybe even: Do I have to cite it at all? You can find the answers in QUT cite|write. The ‘Cite’ section of this invaluable online…

Poetry in Motion

Poetry lovers everywhere, rejoice! 21st of March is World Poetry Day. Declared by UNESCO in 1999, World Poetry Day is a celebration of poetry and poets of all stripes. It aims to promote the reading, writing, and teaching of this millennia-old literary form. More specifically, WPD encourages a…

Summer Reading 2020

Remember the joys of reading for pleasure? If you’re keen to get stuck into a good book these holidays, QUT Library has a great selection–including these overlooked contemporary Australian gems: Profound and mysterious, Shaun Prescott’s  debut novel The Town documents an unnamed…

Re-imagining the Material: Arlis/ANZ Conference 2020

The Arlis/ANZ (Arts Libraries Society Australia & New Zealand) Biennial Conference will be held at the State Library of Queensland on 11-13 November 2020. For those unable to attend in person, the event will be live-streamed online. This year’s conference will include presentations around the theme Re-imagining the…

Gearing up for Exams

We’re approaching the end of another academic year — which means that exam time is nigh.  Preparing early will help to reduce some of the inevitable pre-exam stress. Here are some tips to help you get organised. Double-check the date, time, and location of your exam/s. Also check…

Art at QUT Library

QUT Art Museum has generously loaned the Library three striking artworks from the QUT Art Collection, each one by a Queensland or Northern NSW  practitioner. Japanese-Australian artist Hiromi Tango’s vibrant installation ‘NatureNurture’ is displayed opposite the stairwell on Level 5 of Gardens Point Library. On Level 2 of…

Researching and Referencing Workshops

Looking to enhance your research skills? Want to learn how to cite and reference sources for your assignments?  The Library is currently running the following workshops to help you prepare for Semester Two. Researching Made Easy – Learn to use databases more efficiently to find relevant information and…

Library and Information Week

Next week is Library and Information Week, an annual event organised by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). The various events and activities scheduled for this week, including National Simultaneous Storytime (details in a forthcoming post), celebrate the invaluable contribution libraries make to our lives–and this contribution is particularly evident…