Endnote 20.3 and the new QUT authentication settings

Important information below about the latest version of EndNote.

EndNote version 20.3  now available.

EndNote version 20.3  for Windows and macOS is available to install using ITassist on QUT machines, or download to your own device from here, and will be available in labs shortly.

20.3 works pretty much exactly as previous 20 versions. There are no changes to the essential or advanced functions. Some minor enhancements will improve the user experience.


  • The library list view has tabs functionality, allowing separate Groups views.
  • The list view has an Insert Citation icon to inserting in Word from within EndNote.
  • Library list view row height has been adjusted to show more records
  • In the individual view pane, PDF preview is available, accessible by a new link

Under the hood:

  • Find Full Text is configured for QUT Library’s link resolver. This should improve the success rate.
  • Find Full text is configured for new QUT authentication, ensuring Find Full Text will continue to be able to try to find PDFs


QUT Authentication changes and existing EndNote users

The method for authentication to QUT resources and sites recently changed, and this can affect Find Full Text (FFT) functionality in Endnote for some existing Endnote users.

Personal device:

Clients that have a version of Endnote prior to 20.3 installed on a personal device will need to configure settings manually themselves, to continue to use the FFT function. Instructions for how to do so are here (Students) or here (Staff).

QUT machine:

From July 8th, automatic configuration updates will be sent to some but not all active QUT machines with Endnote 20.0, so clients on QUT machines may receive the correct configuration, allowing FFT to keep working. Other users of EndNote 20 versions before version 20.3, can self install EndNote 20 Find Full Text configuration using ITassist.

Software upgrade:

Updating to the latest version 20.3 will also include the correct configuration for the new authentication for Find Full Text, however, if you’re happy with your version, updating isn’t always necessary.

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