digital collection

Library and Information Week

Next week is Library and Information Week, an annual event organised by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). The various events and activities scheduled for this week, including National Simultaneous Storytime (details in a forthcoming post), celebrate the invaluable contribution libraries make to our lives–and this contribution is particularly evident right now. The theme for 2020 , ‘Create’,  has taken on a somewhat unexpected meaning, with academic libraries working hard to  develop creative ways of providing their services in the face of current restrictions.

With that in mind, here are some of the ways in which QUT Library is committed to making off-campus work and study feel slightly less…remote

Online Resources

Remember that most of the Library’s resources are available online, and there are multiple ways for you to find books, journal articles, images, maps, and other types of information for your research and study.

Researching and Referencing Appointments

You can consult a Librarian with your researching and referencing queries by making an individual Zoom (or phone) appointment.

Library Chat

Take advantage of our live Chat service to consult a Librarian about finding information, referencing, borrowing, and other Library-related inquiries.

Free Online Entertainment

Feel like some recreational reading/viewing?  These resources will help you make the most of this period of semi-isolation.

Kanopy Videos — Online streaming videos including documentaries, feature films, interviews and other short video serie

Axis360 — eBooks and eAudiobooks including fiction and non-fiction titles, and collections for children and teens

Digital Theatre Plus — Online videos of current leading British theatre productions


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