This #OAWeek we are introducing five tips on how to make your research open and find open research. Yesterday we looked at growing your impact with QUT ePrints. Today we’re looking at accessing open research.
What would you do if your library subscription access was suddenly cut off? How would you continue your research?
Hopefully you’ll always have somewhere to work that has access to subscription databases, but the prospect is frightening, and a stark reminder that much of the world’s publicly funded research is locked behind oppressive publisher paywalls.
Don’t panic, help is at hand, and this Open Access week, if you haven’t already, have a look at some of the world’s biggest Open Access content curators, and CORE.
Unpaywall is an open database of almost 25 million scholarly articles harvested from more than 50,000 publishers and repositories. You can install it onto your browser and it will find open versions of articles, wherever they are.
CORE is the world’s biggest collection of open access research with more than 135 million papers from around the world. Its mission is to facilitate free unrestricted access to research by aggregating all open access research from repositories and journals.
Open Access Button is a research finder providing instant delivery of open access articles from open sources or direct from authors. It also has a browser extension.
So take note of these tools and access open research – if you no longer have access to our extensive databases!
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