
Finding online video for your study

I like reading as much as the next librarian but sometimes words on a page (or a screen) just aren’t enough. At uni reading textbooks is the usual way most of us learn about a new topic because they give us a broader theoretical overview of subject information. The next step is to learn how to put theory into practice. That’s where video can be helpful. Watch others demonstrate key skills such as counselling a client in a psychological setting, treating a patient in hospital, working with a class of school kids or performing live on stage.

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QUT Library provides access to a range of online streaming videos that demonstrate all these professional scenarios and can be used for personal study by students, or for showing in workshops and lectures by academic staff.

The full range of online video resources is listed here. For academic staff, your liaison librarian can help you to identify relevant videos for teaching and to embed individual videos and video clips in Blackboard for students to view.

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