Law Research News

The Human Rights of Older Persons

The world is experiencing a demographic shift as life expectancies extend and birth rates drop, and the associated economic and social transformations present numerous challenges for societies.

Dr Bridget Lewis and Dr Kelly Purser (Senior Lecturers in the QUT Faculty of Law and members of the Australian Centre for Health Law Research), in collaboration with Kirsty Mackie (University of the Sunshine Coast), have published a new book called The Human Rights of Older PersonsThe book provides a comprehensive human rights analysis of key areas of law affecting older persons, including:

  • legal capacity;
  • elder abuse;
  • accommodation and aged care;
  • healthcare;
  • employment;
  • financial security;
  • retirement and estate planning; and
  • social and cultural participation.

The research identifies individual autonomy and participation in decision-making as fundamental to a human rights-based approach to elder law.

The Human Rights of Older Persons is available now in hard copy and as an eBook from Springer.

About Bridget Lewis

Dr Bridget LewisDr Bridget Lewis is a Senior Lecturer in the QUT Faculty of Law. She has published widely on a range of human rights issues, particularly the application of international human rights law to contemporary issues such as climate change and natural disasters, with a focus on the rights of vulnerable groups. Bridget is a member of the Planning for Healthy Ageing Research Group, a formal program of the Australian Centre for Health Law Research.

You can learn more about Bridget and her research and publications in her staff profile.

About Kelly Purser

Dr Kelly PurserDr Kelly Purser is a Senior Lecturer in the QUT Faculty of Law. Her research focuses on the challenges presented by capacity assessment and the ageing population. Kelly is a program co-leader of the Planning for Healthy Ageing Research Group, a formal program of the Australian Centre for Health Law Research.

You can learn more about Kelly and her research and publications in her staff profile.

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