The Fourth Edition of Health Law in Australia was published recently. The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG (pictured, second from right) met with three of the editors (Professors Lindy Willmott, Ben White and Shih-Ning Then) and received the first copy of the book at the 2023 AABHL Conference,…
Diversity, dignity, equity and best practice: a framework for supported decision-making
A report commissioned by the Disability Royal Commission has recommended a policy overhaul to ensure that all people living with cognitive disability are empowered to make decisions about their lives. The research aimed to understand the significance of supported decision-making to the lives of people with cognitive disabilities,…
Coffee with a Colleague (Episode 5): End of Life organ donation decisions
In the fifth episode of the ACHLR Coffee with a Colleague online seminar series, Associate Professor Shih-Ning Then discusses end of life organ donation decisions with Associate Professor Dominique Martin from Deakin University. This episode (Collaborating across disciplines: ‘Transitions in decision-making authority at the end of life’, challenges…
Law Faculty announces VRES projects for Summer 2020-21
Each year the Law Faculty provides undergraduate students with an opportunity to work on cutting edge research with academic experts in the School of Law and School of Justice. The Vacation Research Experience Scheme (VRES) is a scheme held during the summer vacation period. Students who participate will…
Applications now open for Higher Degree Research scholarships
QUT Law has opened their annual scholarship round for HDR scholarships. These scholarships are available to support new PhD/MPhil students interested in pursuing research in law. The Law School is uniquely placed in having legal experts available to supervise topics that involve innovative research that can make an…