
katie woolaston

Katie Woolaston

Dr Katie Woolaston is awarded the WPSA Clay Morgan Award for Best Book in Environmental Political Theory

As QUT celebrates Sustainability Week, we congratulate Dr Katie Woolaston who has been awarded the Western Political Science Association (WPSA) Clay Morgan Award for Best Book in Environmental Political Theory. Ecological Vulnerability: The Law and Governance of Human–Wildlife Relationships examines human-wildlife conflict as a primary contributor to wildlife…

Long Nosed Fur Seals

Environmental Law’s Extinction Problem – online workshop

Long-nosed fur seals (pictured above) were hunted almost to extinction in the early 19th century. They have since recovered with a population of about 100,000 in South Australia. Environmental Law’s Extinction Problem – online workshop Organisers: Prof. Afshin Akhtar-Khavari, Dr Katie Woolaston, Dr Michelle Lim QUT Faculty of…