The inaugural QUT Faith and Spirituality Research Symposium was held on Friday, 5th July. The symposium is an outcome of Priority Area 4 of the QUT Spiritual Support and Inclusion Action Plan, part of QUT’s Connections Strategy which focuses on supporting QUT’s diverse faith communities and students and…
The Australian Journal of Law & Religion – Volume 4
Volume 4 of the Australian Journal of Law & Religion has been published. It is a special issue on Theology and Jurisprudence co-edited and published by Associate Professor Alex Deagon. Among many excellent articles, it contains an article on Christianity and Law in the Enlightenment by world-leading law…
A Principled Framework for the Autonomy of Religious Communities – a new book by Dr Alex Deagon
A new book by Dr Alex Deagon (pictured above), A Principled Framework for the Autonomy of Religious Communities, was published recently. About the book Building on From Violence to Peace: Theology, Law and Community (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2017), A Principled Framework for the Autonomy of Religious Communities engages…
The Australian Journal of Law & Religion – Volume 1
The inaugural volume of the Australian Journal of Law & Religion is now available. Volume 1 and all contributions can downloaded for free as PDFs from the Australian Journal of Law & Religion website. About the Journal The Australian Journal of Law & Religion is the first peer-reviewed,…
Theology and Jurisprudence Symposium: Call for Papers
Professor Paul Babie (University of Adelaide), Associate Professor Joshua Neoh (Australian National University), Dr Constance Lee (Central Queensland University) and Dr Alex Deagon (QUT), would like to invite law researchers to participate in a Theology and Jurisprudence Symposium at the Adelaide Law School (ALS) in South Australia on…
Call for Papers – Australian Journal of Law and Religion (2022 Inaugural Issues)
The Editors of the Australian Journal of Law and Religion invite contributions to the inaugural issues in 2022. The Australian Journal of Law and Religion is the first journal specifically devoted to law and religion issues in the South Pacific region. The intersection of law and religion has…
Runaway Technology: Can Law Keep up?
Is technology doomed to always be regulated by out-of-date rules? Or, worse, will the world become lawless as technology leaves dusty law codes behind? The recent QUT Global Law, Science and Technology Seminar with Professor Joshua Fairfield discussed these challenges and is now available to watch online. The…
The Australian Constitution, Section 116 and the relationship between religion and the state
Senior Lecturer Dr Alex Deagon, along with Dr Benjamin B Saunders (Senior Lecturer at Deakin University), has written an article for the forthcoming issue of the Melbourne University Law Review. The article, Principles, Pragmatism and Power: Another Look at the Historical Context of Section 116, examines the historical…
Alex Deagon on the necessity and means of protecting institutional religious freedom
Institutional religious freedom is not absolute, but what kind of specific rights or exemptions should exist? Senior Lecturer Dr Alex Deagon contends that the religious freedom of institutions is a cornerstone of democracy and must be protected, and he discusses this in a blog published as part of…