
Remaking the Maker Movement

The Remaking the Maker Movement event was convened by Professor Matthew Rimmer and hosted by the QUT Faculty of Business and Law earlier this month.

This event focused on the role of innovation spaces – such as makerspaces, Fab Labs, hackerspaces, TechShop, and innovation hubs, incubators, and accelerators. It considered the evolution, growth, and transformation of innovation spaces, including the demise of TechShop, the evolution of Fab Labs, and the reconstitution of the Maker Movement.

Remaking the Maker Movement considered the social role of innovation spaces in training, education, social enterprises, community-building and peace-making, as well as the role of innovation spaces in the achievement of the sustainable development goals – especially with UNDP’s Accelerator Labs.

This event was supported by an ARC Discovery Grant on Intellectual Property and 3D Printing.

Remaking the Maker Movement Presentations

All the presentations from the Remaking the Maker Movement event can now be watched online:

Session 1 – University Makerspaces

Session 2 – Scientific Makerspaces

Session 3 – Community Makerspaces

Session 4 – Makerspaces and the Law

Session 5 – International Makerspaces

About Matthew Rimmer

Professor Matthew Rimmer

Matthew is a Professor in Intellectual Property and Innovation Law at the QUT Faculty of Business and Law. He has published widely on copyright law and information technology, patent law and biotechnology, access to medicines, plain packaging of tobacco products, intellectual property and climate change, Indigenous Intellectual Property, and intellectual property and trade. He is undertaking research on intellectual property and 3D printing; the regulation of robotics and artificial intelligence; and intellectual property and public health (particularly looking at the coronavirus COVID-19).

You can read more about Matthew in his staff profile.

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