The Law, Technology and Humans journal (supported by the QUT School of Law) has just attained the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Seal. The DOAJ Seal is a mark of certification for open access journals, awarded by DOAJ to journals that achieve a high level of openness and adhere to Best Practice and high publishing standards.
DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to around 16,300 high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. Only 9% of journals indexed by DOAJ have been awarded the Seal, and of these only 11 journals from Australia have the seal – three of these are QUT journals (International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy; Law, Technology and Humans, and; Student Success).
Law, Technology and Humans was launched in 2019 and publishes original, innovative research concerned with the human and humanity of law and technology. Law, Technology and Humans is one of five open access academic journals supported by QUT (via the implementation of open source software and collaboration with QUT Library).
Volume 3 Issue 1 of Law, Technology and Humans was published earlier this month. The call for papers for Issue 2 is now open.
All inquiries about the Journal can be made to Chief Editor Professor Kieran Tranter.