Law Research News

Government of Western Australia to review their Voluntary Assisted Dying system

Western Australia, the second jurisdiction to enact voluntary assisted dying (VAD) laws, has undertaken its first review of its VAD system since it came into effect in July 2021. Professor Lindy Willmott, Professor Ben White and Casey Haining were engaged by the Western Australian Department of Health to carry out focus groups and interviews with key stakeholders to understand how the VAD laws were operating in practice, and generate an evidence base to inform the review. They produced a Research Report that they provided to the Review Panel responsible for carrying out the review and for making recommendations to the Minister for possible reform.

The Review Panel’s terms of reference stated that the Review was not seeking feedback on whether VAD should be precluded or whether there should be changes to eligibility criteria for patients or practitioners involved in the VAD process.

A pdf version of QUT’s Research Report is available online.

For more information, visit the project page on the ACHLR website.

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