Law, Technology and Humans Vol 6(3) 2024
In recent years, there has been rapid change in the capacity of information and communications technology to supplement the skills of lawyers (‘lawtech’). Artificial intelligence (AI) may radically transform legal practice, the work of courts, and legal education. Law is increasingly subjected to quantitative analysis, while legal rules themselves are being ‘translated’ into software systems. This may bring the practice of law from an individualised set of hunches and tacit intuitions to a more data-driven, scientific and objective approach, or fossilise it into opaque and difficult to challenge infrastructures.
There is a pressing need to explore how legal educators, lawyers and legal systems should respond to this. The International Future of Law Association (IFLA) recently convened an international conference to discuss these issues. IFLA now proposes to edit a symposium of Law, Technology and Humans made up of papers from this event and others solicited through a call for papers. The overarching theme of “Law as Data, Data as Law” will anchor the paper selection and editing processes of this symposium, with a view to providing readers with a holistic understanding of the latest developments in data-driven approaches to law, and expert commentary of its impacts on legal practice, education and systems from researchers in several jurisdictions around the globe.
Topics include:
- Legal practice in a world of abundant data
- Incorporating generative AI into legal education
- Videogames and other tools in legal education
- The future of legal services in a digitised context
- The rise of legal analytics
- Regulation of artificial intelligence in the legal services market
- Digital technology, dispute resolution & access to justice
- New online business models for lawyers
- Researching the digital transformation in law
- Redesigning the digital curriculum.
The symposium will be edited by Dr Rónán Kennedy (University of Galway) and Dr Brian Barry (Trinity College Dublin), in collaboration with the editors of Law, Technology and Humans.
Articles are due by 18 July 2024.
To find out more, visit the Law, Technology and Humans website.