QUT Accommodation Service The QUT accommodation service provides students with information and advice on finding…
Over the years, QUT Homestay program has provided many opportunities for international students to stay…
The QUT accommodation service provides students with information and advice on finding and securing accommodation.…
Join QUT’s Pre-Departure Briefing Facebook group and watch one of our pre-recorded Pre-Departure Briefing videos.…
QUT Equity Scholarship Scheme is the largest university scheme of its kind in Australia and…
#CountdownToQUT has been successful in supporting future students by providing them with all the necessary…
Please note that payments for Homestay Placement and/or Airport Reception should no longer be paid…
The QUT accommodation service provides students with information and advice on finding and securing accommodation.…
Welcome to ‘Captivate’ – QUT’s Storytelling e-newsletter Captivate is a fresh storytelling e-newsletter from QUT…
Employability is very important and the best way a student can prepare themselves for their…