Admissions Scholarships

Updates to HDR student admissions and scholarships at QUT

Due to the continuing border restrictions, QUT has made the following adjustments to the higher degree research student application process including QUT’s higher degree research scholarships. As the situation evolves and border restrictions are eased, we will be updating our HDR application instructions on our website.

HDR application changes

QUT is currently accepting expressions of interest from applicants who are onshore in Australia. Australian border restrictions are currently in place which limits entry into Australia to Australian citizens/Permanent Residents and people with travel exemptions.

We also welcome expressions of interest from applicants who are not currently in Australia in these exceptional circumstances:

  • if you have been approved for a travel exemption, or your proposed supervisor has agreed to support a travel exemption application. Note: the Australian Government is only allowing applications for travel exemption in specific critical fields. A list of these fields can be accessed via the Department of Home Affairs website; or
  • if your supervisor has pre-approved you to commence your research project offshore. Specific approvals must be in place for external commencement, and not all research topics and/or projects are eligible, or
  • the applicant is applying for external funding, i.e., a scholarship sponsoring agency, and requires an offer of admission for this purpose; or
  • the applicant is from a partner institution that has a joint/external PhD arrangement with QUT.

Given the global disruption and current International travel restrictions applicants (who are not in Australia) may choose to delay the submission of any EOI (Expression of Interest) until border restrictions are lifted.

QUT looks forward to welcoming all international students to Brisbane as soon as the travel restrictions ease.


Due to international border restrictions, we have made the difficult decision to limit applications to QUT’s first 2022 research scholarship round (closing September 2021) to applicants who are currently residing in Australia/New Zealand. However, we look forward to welcoming applications in future 2022 rounds depending on International border restrictions.

We will be announcing further details of our 2022 scholarship rounds very soon. Keep an eye on this website for information and the timing of the rounds.

If you have any questions about the HDR application process, please contact your regional marketing team.

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