Business School

Positive Results for QUT Business School Graduates’ Outcomes

In the latest Australian government funded Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) survey, the QUT Business School received overall ratings for graduate employment and graduate satisfaction that are above the Australian average.

Completed by graduates, approximately four months after the completion of their course, the 2017 QILT survey gave the QUT Business School the following ratings:

  • 90.4% overall graduate employment rating and a 81.6% overall graduate satisfaction rating in the Undergraduate Business and Management category
  • 94.5% overall graduate employment rating and a 86.9% overall graduate satisfaction rating in the Postgraduate Business and Management category

These ratings are above the Australian average and each survey provides information as follows:

  • Graduate Employment survey – provides information on the labour market outcomes and further study activities of graduates.
  • Graduate Satisfaction survey – provides information of the quality of the education at the university by asking graduates to what extent they agree with a series of statements about their study experience.

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