QUT International College

QUT International College – Arrivals

Please remind all students it is critical they arrive at the QUT International College in Brisbane in time to attend the orientation session for their course. Students who do not commence at QUT International College for orientation events and the first day of classes are at a severe disadvantage and are unlikely to complete the course successfully.

Specifically for EAP programs as of June 2017 it will not be permissible to arrive late.

The last day for students to arrive at QUTIC and commence EAP programs is 8:30am on Monday of the first week of the teaching period. Due to the intensive nature of the EAP programs. Students arriving after 8.30am on Monday of the first week of the teaching period will be encouraged to defer studies to the next available intake.

Please assist us by communicating with students the importance of arriving on or before orientation activities.

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