As part of QUT’s commitment to continuous improvement and to align with the new AQF requirements, the QUT Business School has implemented two changes:
- The BS16 Master of Business (3 semester) and BS17 Master of Business – Advanced (4 Semester) courses will be replaced by the BS11 Master of Business (3 or 4 semester offer) from 2015.
- QUT has introduced a new Graduate Certificate in Business and Communication. This one semester pathway option is available to students with an IELTS of 6.0 (with sub-score of at least 5.5 in reading and writing and 5.0 in speaking and listening). Students who successfully complete this program with a GPA of 4 out of 7 (on QUT’s 7 point scale), will gain entry into the Master of Business and receive one full semester of credit. This new course replaces the previous Master of Business pathway option.
Master of Business – CRICOS code (085448J)
BS11 Master of Business is a standard four semester program however students who have a Bachelor degree in a cognate discipline area may be made a three semester offer.
A cognate discipline is considered to be the same or related to the chosen area of study. For example an applicant intending to study the Master of Business with a major in (Human Resource Management) is expected to have completed a Bachelor degree in the field of management, business administration or behavioural science. Similarly, an applicant wishing to pursue the Master of Business with a major in (Marketing) is expected to have completed a Bachelor degree in the field of marketing or marketing communications.
Applicants who meet the ‘cognate’ requirement will be automatically offered the Master of Business for 1.5 years (three semesters) duration. If a cognate applicant wishes to be offered the two year course, this must be noted on their application form.
Applicants who do not meet the ‘cognate’ requirement will be offered the full course duration of two years (four semesters).
The BS11 Master of Business continues to offer the following disciplines:
- Accounting
- Applied Finance
- Strategic Advertising
- Integrated Marketing Communication
- Marketing
- Professional Accounting
- Public Relations
- Human Resource Management
- Management
- International Business
- Philanthropy and Non-Profit Studies
Transition Arrangements
All new applicants without existing offers will be assessed under the new cognate rules and offered BS11 Master of Business. Students with existing offers for either the BS16 or BS17, accepted or unaccepted will have their offers honoured. Each of these students will be offered the chance to convert to BS11 once they have arrived at QUT, but are not obliged to do so.
Graduate Certificate in Business and Communication – CRICOS (085449G)
The QUT Business School has for a long time offered students with an IELTS of 6.0 with no sub-score less than 5.0 the option of direct entry to the Master of Business if they undertook two professional communication units in their first semester. While the previous pathway had been a successful option for students, students did not get specific recognition for their communication studies and it was not available to students who wanted the shorter cognate entry. The new BS37 + BS11 package offer will overcome this.
Students who meet academic entry requirements and have an overall IELTS of 6.0 with sub-score of at least 5.5 in reading and writing and 5.0 in speaking and listening (or equivalent) will now enter via the BS37 Graduate Certificate in Business and Communication (one semester). Upon completion, with a GPA of 4.0 or higher, they will gain entry to the BS11 Master of Business with full credit for one semester of studies. On completion of their programs students will achieve both awards. The Graduate Certificate in Business and Communication and the Master of Business in their discipline area.
The Graduate Certificate in Business Communication consists of two communication units and two faculty units. For example a student with an IELTS of 6.0 who gains entry via the BS37 would do BS37 (1 semester) + BS11 (2 Semesters). Non-cognate students will complete the BS37 (1 semester) + BS11 (3 semesters).
The package offer for BS37 + BS11 is available for students applying for the Master of Business in:
- Applied Finance
- Integrated Marketing Communication
- International Business
- Management
- Marketing
- Public Relations
- Strategic Advertising
Transition Arrangements
Offers that have already been made for 2015, accepted or unaccepted will be honoured. Upon commencements students will have the option to convert to BS11 Master of Business; however there is no obligation to do so.
Any applications for commencement in 2016 will be assessed under the new cognate and pathway arrangements
Any enquiries regarding these changes should be directed to email:
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