Education Health

QUT lecturers awarded for university teaching

QUT has recently received three Australian Awards for University Teaching Citations. These awards, valued at $10,000 recognise and reward the diverse contribution that individuals and teams make to the quality of student learning. At QUT we have world-class staff who are regularly recognised for their excellent teaching. Our teachers have industry experience and will link students to the real world.

The recipients were:

  • Dr Erin O’Conner, Faculty of Health- For influencing and guiding undergraduate Psychology students’ engagement with their learning, broadening their imagined options for future employment, and shaping their professional identities.
Dr Erin O'Connor
Dr Erin O’Connor
  • Professor Rebekah Russell-Bennet and Dr Kerri-Ann Kuhn, QUT Business School-For stimulating marketing students’ active learning using role-play simulations and for building relationships between alumni, industry and current students to bridge the theory–practice gap.
Professor Rebekah Russell-Bennet and Dr Kerri-Ann Kuhn
Professor Rebekah Russell-Bennet and Dr Kerri-Ann Kuh
  • Associate Professor Mary Ryan, Faculty of Education-For leadership in developing and implementing a coherent approach to teaching and assessing reflective learning across disciplines and university programs to enhance student learning.
Associate Professor Mary Ryan
Associate Professor Mary Ryan


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