By Binod Basnet, Nepal I was selected as one of the participants for Australia Awards “Inclusive Education in Practice Delivery 3” in 2018. We…
Becoming a Change Champion: Do Not Fear, But Act.
By Van Anh, Vietnam “What is a good leader?” “How can you manage your time and work?” “How can you manage change?” “Who is…
Strengthening the Internal Audit and Control System in Nepal
By Babu Ram Shrestha, Nepal In 2010, I was granted an Australian Leadership Award Fellowship opportunity to participate in the Training of Trainers on…
Teaching Sustainability and Safety for a Stronger Cambodia
By Ly Hav, Prok Narith and Rath Sovann Sathya, Cambodia After completing the short course, “Ensuring Safety in the Construction Sector and Built Environment”…
Accelerating Business in Bhutan
By Kalyan Mahat, Bhutan My Australia Awards experience was enriching. It inspired to innovate and clarify my business strategy. I realised that I have…
Personal Change Leadership Creates Impact
By Van Thi Quynh Hoa, Vietnam Participating in the Australia Awards Short Course, “Introduction to Leadership and Management”, which was delivered by Queensland University…
Carrying Competence, Confidence, Critical Thinking and Creative Innovation since 2005
By Edwin Banquerigo With my participation in the Public Sector Linkage Program at the QUT, July 3-16, 2005, I developed a mindset that in…
Special and Inclusive: Supporting ALL Filipino Children and Youth
By Nancy Pascual True to its purpose, my Australia Awards experience at QUT gave me the golden opportunity to appreciate how inclusive education is…
An Inclusive and Transformative University for the Mindanaoans
By Macapado Muslim I visited Queensland University of Technology (QUT) for benchmarking while I was the President of the Mindanao State University (MSU) System.…
Positive Changes Lead to Positive Results
By Dieu Thi Tu Uyên Tay Bac University, a focal training hub of human resources for Vietnam’s northern mountainous region has and makes the…