
Strengthening the Internal Audit and Control System in Nepal

By Babu Ram Shrestha, Nepal

In 2010, I was granted an Australian Leadership Award Fellowship opportunity to participate in the Training of Trainers on “Strengthening the Internal Audit and Internal Control System within the Institutions of the Ministry of Finance in Nepal.” This provided a milestone for the development of the internal control system in government entities in Nepal. Now, the laws on Financial Procedures and Financial Accountability have finally addressed the need for this system across the country’s government entities. This was one of our action plans that we had set at the time.

It was a wonderful opportunity to participate in this training program, which was delivered by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). It gave me great insights which is why I am now heavily involved in this area, trying to develop and implement my learnings in the Government by working as a Public Financial Management Specialist (PFM specialist) with the Provincial and Local Governance Support Program (PLGSP),UNDP/MOFAGA.

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