
From Discrimination to Inclusion

By Pratima Gurung, Nepal

My QUT experience inspired me to understand and frame the comprehensive understanding of inclusive education in Nepal. Since then, I have been working with the Government of Nepal and development partners to promote inclusive education to all marginalized children so that no one will be left behind.

I am an academic activist from Nepal. I work with women, indigenous people, and people with disability, and have been bridging multiple marginalized identities with an intersectional lens. Through my work, I have been influential and instrumental in raising the voiceless voices of indigenous peoples, women with disabilities and marginalized groups from Nepal, Asia and the world.

A female belonging to an indigenous group and losing an arm at seven years of age, I had faced discrimination, myself, in different forms and layers in my life directly and indirectly. I did not remain silent about those injustices but raised my voice to help eliminate exclusion and marginalization. Today, I continue to advocate for and document the issues of indigenous peoples, women with disabilities and marginalized groups from global to local level.

I am also a faculty member of Padmakanya College, one of the single women colleges in Nepal. I engage my work in academic research with my advocacy. I also contribute as an expert of Disability National Direction Committee, formed by the Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizen in Nepal. I am a founding member and currently General Secretary of the Indigenous Person with Disabilities Global Network and National indigenous Disabled Women Association Nepal.

I can proudly say, I am an example of Nepal and Asia to initiate cross-movement collaboration and intersectional approach among indigenous peoples, disability, women and other marginalized movement.

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