Public Service

Creating a Learning Hub at the Heart of a Library

By Mohamad Roland Zakaria, Indonesia

Kelas Bersama was established in 2020 as my final project for the Australia Awards Short Course Program delivered by QUT, with the main goal of supporting the public library to become a learning hub. Kelas Bersama is a learning community for those who want to learn as well as those who want to share their knowledge, skills and expertise. Before the pandemic, Kelas Bersama provides free classes every week in the library.

During the pandemic, we’ve switched our activities to full-online. We’ve provided more than 400 free webinars and online workshops ever since. We have recorded more than 20,000 people who registered to our free classes. More than 300 experts participated as voluntary speakers in our classess. We have also been optimizing our social media to spread our positive contents. Our Instagram, @kelasbersamakita, now has 11,200 followers. Our YouTube channel, Kelas Bersama Kita, has grown to having 9,200 subscribers. Kelas Bersama has also been collaborating with numerous community organizations and ministerial institutions.

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