QUT Faculty Projects

Australia Awards Scholar Shares Positive Impacts of Online Learning with QUT Amidst COVID

Due to COVID-19 , the Pre-Departure Training program was delivered online. However, this didn’t make it less unique. Instead, it made the entire program even more special because both trainers and awardees put extra efforts into this. Every session was really engaging. When a session ended, I couldn’t help looking forward to the next one. Not only was the training fun, but it was also productive. In addition to distinguished professors, many experts in different fields were invited to share their most updated knowledge with the awardees.

This two-month training has substantially impacted me, my fellow awardees, and my community. Through this training, my fellow awardees and I were equipped with hard and soft skills that will be useful for our forthcoming study in Australia. The assessments of the program were designed to simulate the actual ones in Australia, allowing us to get ready for our postgraduate study. We also learned how to study and live in a cross-cultural context. Furthermore, we gained more understanding of  how to improve our physical, mental and emotional well-being. This program boosted our confidence in every aspect of our upcoming journey in Australia and shaped us to be well-rounded global citizens. I also found that these skills and knowledge are very applicable to my current work. After sharing them with my colleagues and applying them to our work, we saw a sharp increase in the quality of our work. Seeing those benefits, I also shared this knowledge with my students. All of these would not have happened without the effort from Australia Awards committee and everyone in QUT who worked in the front and behind the scene. I am deeply grateful for this nurturing opportunity.

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