Family and Maternal Health Public Service

Eliminating Polio One Clinic At A Time

By Anna Kakun, Papua New Guinea

Today I am happy to share with everyone how I used the skills and knowledge that I acquired from QUT in my facility and communities. In November last year, there was a special Polio immunization program nationwide sponsored by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and National Department of Health. For Butuwin Urban Clinic, I was privilege to coordinate this program for the first time with the help of my superiors and staff. This program was scheduled for two weeks and one week for social mobilization. During the second and third week, six teams went out into the communities to vaccinate all children under five years of age with OPV, Vitamin A and Mebendasole. After two weeks, all 33 clinic sites were visited and majority of the children under five years of age were vaccinated. We even outdid ourselves by reaching 91% of the community (our target was 90%). Although we faced some challenges, we still managed through and completed the program with staff indicating fulfillment and satisfaction with their work. At the end of the program a party was hosted for all the hardworking staff to celebrate their success and achievements.

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