I was so honored to participate in the Australia Awards Short Course on “Strategic Workforce Planning for Vocational Education and Training Leaders and Managers”, delivered by Queensland University of Technology (QUT). The course took place from the 26th of November 2018 to the 4th of May 2019.
Even though the course was short, it exerted in a significant impact on my perception. Firstly, I became to be aware that VET sector has a role to play in offering a venue for people in disadvantaged circumstances to be trained and equipped with skills, helping them to find jobs and join in the labor market. VET’s role in this sense is of pragmatism and humanism. Secondly, for VET to be effective, the business sector needs to be involved in training, supporting employability, as well as sharing technical expertise and physical infrastructure.
My action plans were welcome and received great support and cooperation from enterprises, especially those enterprises operating in the logistics industry in Vietnam. Consequently, the action plans were implemented as scheduled and achieved expected results, contributing to the improvement of the quality of the logistics workforce in Vietnam in general and for Ho Chi Minh in particular.
I am so grateful to Aus4skills for being a bridge giving me such a wonderful opportunity to participate in this useful program delivered by QUT.