Public Service Women

Bhutan: A Bus of Change

By Sampa Choden, Bhutan

The Royal Bhutan Police (RBP) in collaboration with the National Commission for Women and Children (NCWC) established a Woman and Child Protection Unit in May, 2017 in Thimphu. The RBP has now three WCPUs including in Paro. The unit provides basic counseling and facilitates referrals to Non-Governmental Organizations [e.g. the NGO RESPECT EDUCATE NURTURE EMPOWER WOMAN (RENEW) of Bhutan]. The WCPU has effective in addressing issues related to violence against Women and Children. The unit acts as an enforcement arm of the NCWC and through these cases on violence against Women and children were dealt separately from other criminal cases.

I am working at Royal Bhutan Police and I have been working as an Officer-in-Charge of Woman and Child Protection Unit in Paro District, Bhutan since February 2015. Still I recall the time at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in the year 2016 undergoing the training on Gender Based Violence Prevention and Response in Bhutan under Australian Award Fellowship offered by AusAid, with other six fellow officers from Royal Bhutan Police and four from office of RENEW. I am honored to be one among the fellowship, a change agent.

The program focused on broadening the participants in understanding the Gender and its association of violence, a range of activities, strategies, and the service providers to facilitate gender friendly service for Women and Children (victims of violence), based primarily on the index of inclusion and innovative. It was basically on how the Police and the RENEW as first responder and a key stakeholder can lead a change ‘A Bus of Change’ in addressing issues and prevent violence against women and children. Further, to prop up and uphold the rights of women and children of their right to education, expression, participation, political representation, health, safe and security, and professional development.

The class exercise activities, a group discussion and presentation had exchanged and developed further knowledge on understanding Domestic and Family Violence, Children’s Risk Assessment and Risk Assessment for Victim and to set its prevention strategies. The field visits to SOUTHPORT POLICE STATION, SOUTHPORT COURTHOUSE, YFS and GOLD COAST CENTRE against sexual violence also enhanced the understanding and networking among the stakeholders.

The Live trail of Domestic Violence case hearing on Video conference at Court Room of SOUTHPORT COURTHOUSE tremendously helped in deeper understanding of how the victim should be protected from further victimization during the course of legal proceeding.

Impact through the Training  

After pursuing my training in QUT, it has become so impactful by applying the framework developed during the training and presented in the class. It has enhanced the effectiveness of Woman and Child Protection Unit (WCPU) in addressing issues related to violence against Women and Children and increased the efficiency, effectiveness and promptness in responding to cases regarding domestic violence especially.

The first footstep was I have got an opportunity to take part as one of the panelist for three day national Symposium (23rd -25th November 2016) organized by RENEW on the theme, “The Bhutanese Pledge: A shared commitment towards Eliminating Violence against Women” a. Initial responder, b. Access to justice, and c. Longer-term interventions/moving forward and also observing the International day for Elimination of Violence against Women (IDEVAW) on 25th November 2016. It has reached the voice to all the levels of networks and strengthened the networking among service providers as the stakeholders from Police, RENEW, NCWC, District Court, Ministry of Health, and RENEW volunteers joined the Symposium.

I have personally conducted two day training program on Protection of Women and Children (Child and Woman Friendly Procedures) on 24th-25th December 2016 to the Police personnel working at front desks under Division I in Paro District. It was on how to recognize the signs of vulnerability, identify the types of evidence in Child Abuse and Domestic Abuse and identifying the first responder actions when attending incidents of Child Abuse or Domestic Abuse.

The two day workshop on Youth and the Social Issues was held in April 2017 organized by Bhutan Centre for Media and Democracy. The stakeholders such as Police, Bhutan Centre for Media and Democracy, the Paro District Sector Heads, the Heads of the Local Government, and the recovery of drug addict Youth attended the program. It was on addressing to move from being a recipient to learning how to be more Collaborative in Decision-making and solving Local Challenges and to move from Controlling Society to Collaborative Partnership. The program included Real Life Story Telling by the drug recovery youths.

Three day workshop on Sexual Reproductive Health held on 5th-7th March, 2018 organized by RENEW and also Celebrating International Women’s Day, the Theme: “Time is Now: Rural and Urban Activities, Transforming Women’s Lives” on 8th March 2018. The stakeholders such as Police, RENEW, Health Sector, NCWC and RENEW volunteers attended the program.

Besides networking with the stakeholders, an Awareness and Sensitization Programs have been carried out to the school going children of different schools under Paro District, teachers and the parents, police partnerships such as Police Youth Partnership Program (PYPP) and Friends of Police (FOP), entertainment (Drayang) workers and the wives of the police personnel. They are sensitized on Domestic Violence and Gender Based Violence, Sexual Abuse and Sexual Abuse at work place, Child Rights and Protection, Bullying inclusive of Cyber Bullying, Teenage Pregnancy and Suicidal Prevention. It has helped in encouraging them in reporting the incidences to the police and curving the incidents. It has further built the trust towards police. The following are the detail of the programs conducted:

  • Awareness and Sensitization Program to the students of Woochu Lower Secondary School
  • Awareness and Sensitization Program to the teachers of Woochu Lower Secondary School
  • Awareness and Sensitization Program to the students of Shaba Higher Secondary School
  • Awareness and Sensitization Program to the students of Yoezerling Higher Secondary School
  • Awareness and Sensitization Program to the students of Tenzin Higher Secondary School. During the time, I was expecting and was six months pregnant.
  • Police Youth Partnership Program
  • Awareness and Sensitization Program to the entertainment (Drayang) workers
  • Awareness and Sensitization Program to the wives of Police personnel

The meeting with the police lady constable was also conducted to address the issues at work place. Therefore, introduced the flexible timing for feeding mothers and provided a separate washroom for ladies and sanitary bins. It was also introduced giving bed rest during the menstruation period depending on genuineness.

It was the positive sign of impact that after carrying out advocacy programs, an eight year old student girl walked to the WCPU in one evening at 2035hours and reported of her mother being assaulted by father. Another incident, a thirteen year old student girl reported to WCPU through police help line number 113 when her disabled mother was sexually assaulted by one unknown man at late evening. The victims of sexual abuse started coming forward and reporting a matter by themselves rather than through friends and family members. The children and youth coming in conflict with the law have drastically reduced in number.

This is just the start to change. The training opportunity I had with Queensland University of Technology was a great chance for learning and professional development. I am privileged to be a part of it. I express my deepest thanks to QUT. I perceive as this opportunity as a big milestone in defining and strengthening responses to Gender Based Violence. I will strive to use gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way. It’s now No Way Back…Innovators to Future.

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